The Blogger

The individual known as the Bandcamper is a mere human who - by the manifest mercy of the omnipotent Being who controls this universe - happens to be married to the lovely, disgustingly talented Mrs Taryn.

(And since you're no doubt thinking, 'Who is this Mrs Taryn? Can I listen to her? And where?' I'll let you have the opportunity right here. For, in her own words: "I'm here":

Given the task of designing a website for the Mrs, we surveyed the internet platforms of a few inspirational figures in the music-making world. One of whom included a certain Mr Stevens (no, not the head of catering). And we said to ourselves, "Ooh, isn't that neat, how you can listen to all the songs right there, and the complete discography all neatly displayed too!" So I set to work -- only afterward to discover that the platform which undergirded Mr Steven's beautiful site was open to all the world.

That is how I became a fan of the stroke of genius which is Bandcamp.

One last thing before I go -- I should probably say that I have no connection with the fine people at Bandcamp, and any views expressed in this blog are hence clearly my own and in no way theirs.