Friday, September 9, 2011

Review: 'The Woodlands'

Glockenspiel, some strummed instrument that I secretly hope is a banjo, an occasional violin, and a voice which couldn't be more perfectly fragile and whispery if it were the very ghost of Emily Dickinson herself.

Oh and according to their Myspace bio, they are "a wife and husband indie folk-pop duo". Which was always guaranteed to make me feel a bit warm and fuzzy, myself being a husband with a wife who could be described as "indie folk-pop".

And just to prove that Keats was right about a thing of beauty being a joy forever, they've felt no shame in recycling the material from the original eponymous album into these five fully free electro-tech dance remixes. Because if the ghost of Emily Dickinson wakes you up on a moonlit night, what else can you do but take her to the discotheque?

Myself being not just the husband of an indie folk-pop wife, but also a slightly attention deficit child-of-the-eighties with a fondness for leaping into the air whilst jerking my elbows in an ungainly fashion and calling this dancing, I highly commend these regenerated versions of the songs.

Just don't ask me what the folks who boo-ed Dylan when he went electric would have had to say about this sort of thing... :P


Oh, wait! You want a score of some sort. Let's see... if Pitchfork could give a score of 8.4 to the Arcade Fire's Neon Bible then the combined package of the Woodlands album + remix EP must be worth a score of at least 8.7/10.

And when you consider that for a mere $5(=£3.12) I could have my very own copy of every single one of these fifteen delightful tracks, it's almost enough to make me up the score to 8.8.

Almost. 8.7/10

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